June 15, 2015

MoCa Family Farm

Other things may change, but our life starts and ends with family.

MoCa Family Farm is a one-of-a-kind family farm resort and learning center in Padre Garcia, Batangas. It used to be a mango orchard before Fil-Am sisters Gigi and Mimi purchased the land and named it MoCa, a portmanteau of their respective husbands’ last names, Morris and Castor. But it was Gigi and her family who gradually transformed the farm into an agri-tourism destination. Gigi, who is a fashion design and apparel professional, got the inspiration from a university orchard in Las Vegas where her horticulturist husband Bob, works. 

MoCa operates on 4Fs and 1E principle, which stands for Farm, Food, Family, Fun and Enjoyment. During the time of our visit, it was Gigi and her son Bobby who personally toured us around the place.

There is a variety of exotic fruits, herbs and vegetables growing in the farm. Among we’ve seen include mango, avocado, pineapple, duhat, dragon fruit, santol, atis, papaya, jackfruit, banana, squash, alugbati, roselle, mulberry, red rose, and blue ternatea.

The competitive advantage of the farm compared to other similar farm resorts, is its Robby Rabbitry. The rabbitry was named after her youngest son, who also serves as a tour guide whenever there are guests around. There used to be more than a hundred seventy rabbits with different breeds but almost all of them died when typhoon Glenda struck in 2014. Gigi felt devastated with the incident like the first time she felt when she lost her first pet rabbit. That’s why she decided to give up for adoption most of those who survived to another professional rabbit grower somewhere in Cavite. Kaya mabibilang na lang sa kamay ang mga remaining rabbit survivors in the farm. But hopefully, they will grow more in number, since rabbits are known to be among the most promiscuous animals.

Aside from the cute and adorable rabbits, the farm also breeds native pigs and chickens.

MoCa espouses farm to table food. Almost all the delicious food we ate – blue ternatea rice, crispy kangkong, beef steak tapa, suman tamales with ripe mangoes, sweetened banana and jackfruit, dalandan juice - came from the farm, and the natural produce of the local community.

There are bunk beds for guests who want to spend a night or take siesta after the tour and the sumptuous lunch. Actually, the whole farm could be rented exclusively by families or group of friends who want to take a breather from the toxicity of city life.

Fun, enjoyment and life-long learning of the importance of family bonding and living a simple life in harmony with nature, are what to be expected after a day’s end at MoCa.

And the realization that not all the time could a storm makes trees take deeper roots.

MoCa Family Farm
Km 108, Brgy. Castillo
Padre Garcia, Batangas
Contact No: 0919-4790566
By appointment only


  1. Hi Frencel,

    I'd like to thank you for this blogpost of your visit to our family farm! I always believed that people can enjoy experiencing the simplicity of rural life.

    Thank you again and I hope that you and your friends enjoyed the rest of your weekend after your visit to us!

    Gigi Morris

    p.s Can I mention to your readers that we are typically By Appointment only? I just don't want them to get frustrated when they come and visit and not be accommodated. We love to share our farm, just give us prior notice. Thanks again!!

  2. Yes Tita. Already updated :) We really enjoyed staying in the farm, and would recommend it to friends. Thanks for having us despite the very short notice. Food was superb :) Wish you more success. Regards to the boys and Ate Mercy.
