1. 98-68628 – my student number.
2. The first enrolment day.
3. Form 5.
4. Bluebook.
5. CRS.
6. Kalayaan and the 9 pm. curfew. Urgh!
7. Room B218.
8. The long queue at men’s room every morning.
9. Kalai freshmen ball… sort of JS prom.
10. The ice-cold shower of Yakal.
11. The secret sampayan of underwear under the study table.
12. The luscious putok of Molave.
13. My roommates: Joben, Mario, Jay, A, Dom, Jomar, Renan, Remus, Lester, Ian, Lujean, Francis.
14. Room-hopping almost every night.
15. My Kalayaan blockmates: Lia, Koala, Fani, Ella, Jenny, Sandy.
16. My kababayans: Kuri, Balot, Merly, Sister, Nes.
17. My provincial org, Hubeag it mga Akeanon.
18. UP Gym.
19. The swimming pool and the frogs swimming in it.
20. Surprise quizzes.
21. Midterms and final exams.
22. The notorious Math 17 and how it guillotined millions of Iskos. And counting.
23. Comosava French 10?
24. Learning Bahasa Indonesia Malay.
25. SPSS.
26. I think I shall never see a grade as lovely as a three.
27. Meeting that one love of your life.
28. The notorious (and blockbuster) oblation run!
29. Cognate.
30. Midnight study at the Main Lib.
31. The Social Science reserve section.
32. The Pol. Sci. Department.
33. The Law Lib: my secret hideout library.
34. Pre-rog.
35. UP Chapel.
36. SC.
37. UP PNB.
38. COOP canteen.
39. STFAP.
40. Philippine games: My most favorite PE which brought back fond childhood memories.
41. The authoritative Dr. Olivia Caoili.
42. Dr. Grace Jamon’s soup for the soul teachings.
43. Econ 11 and how it confirmed that I’m not a risk-taker. Although I’m still willing to try bungee jumping.
44. My days as student assistant at OSA.
45. Conversations with friends over isaw, fishball, kwek kwek, and barbecue smoke.
46. The Vargas musem.
47. The Post Office.
48. CSSP.
49. The coños of AS lobby.
50. The egotistical engineering students.
51. PI fieldtrip at the foot of Mt. Banahaw.
52. Humanidades field trip to Lucban for the Pahiyas.
53. The incessant “Makibaka wag matakot” rallies and demonstrations which I now regretted for not having joined.
54. The ouster of Erap.
55. The betaway.
56. Vinzon’s Hall.
57. Film Center.
58. University Theater.
59. UP Press.
60. My violin lessons at the College of Music.
61. The growing population of Koreans.
62. Tuli: the spoof of Kule.
63. The Iska comic strip of Kule.
64. The magnificent Balay Tsanselor.
65. UP Lagoon.
66. The sinking Sunken Garden.
67. The UP Fairs which I have never attended.
68. The gademet ROTC and the unsuccessful plans of bombing DMST.
69. One in 100 moments of homesickness.
70. Lutong Bahay.
71. Casaa.
72. Chocolate Kiss.
73. The BBQs of Beach House.
74. Aristocart.
75. Playing tennis near SC.
76. Jogging at the acad oval.
77. Frat wars.
78. The candy-eye and romantic Rama at Sita.
79. Ikot and Toki jeepneys.
80. Having a Muslim friend.
81. Having a numismatist friend.
82. Cross-registering at UP Manila.
83. Lantern parade.
84. Up and others… the UP jokes.
85. Learning that it’s possible to love two persons at the same time.
86. Site visit at UPLB.
87. Milking a cow for my Pol. Sci. 150 class.
88. Baby thesis.
89. NCPAG.
90. Falling for a friend.
91. Knowing someone in the class likes you.
92. Student council elections.
93. My few months stay in Balara.
94. Krus na Ligas.
95. High-pile readings.
96. Being a college scholar.
97. Semestral breaks.
98. My college graduation… where my whole family never knew until the last minute that I would be graduating cum laude.
99. My university graduation which I only watched from afar together with my best friend.
100. Learning to let go... and happily move on.
The day I met Oble, I know my life will never be the same again. Happy 100th birthday.
2. The first enrolment day.
3. Form 5.
4. Bluebook.
5. CRS.
6. Kalayaan and the 9 pm. curfew. Urgh!
7. Room B218.
8. The long queue at men’s room every morning.
9. Kalai freshmen ball… sort of JS prom.
10. The ice-cold shower of Yakal.
11. The secret sampayan of underwear under the study table.
12. The luscious putok of Molave.
13. My roommates: Joben, Mario, Jay, A, Dom, Jomar, Renan, Remus, Lester, Ian, Lujean, Francis.
14. Room-hopping almost every night.
15. My Kalayaan blockmates: Lia, Koala, Fani, Ella, Jenny, Sandy.
16. My kababayans: Kuri, Balot, Merly, Sister, Nes.
17. My provincial org, Hubeag it mga Akeanon.
18. UP Gym.
19. The swimming pool and the frogs swimming in it.
20. Surprise quizzes.
21. Midterms and final exams.
22. The notorious Math 17 and how it guillotined millions of Iskos. And counting.
23. Comosava French 10?
24. Learning Bahasa Indonesia Malay.
25. SPSS.
26. I think I shall never see a grade as lovely as a three.
27. Meeting that one love of your life.
28. The notorious (and blockbuster) oblation run!
29. Cognate.
30. Midnight study at the Main Lib.
31. The Social Science reserve section.
32. The Pol. Sci. Department.
33. The Law Lib: my secret hideout library.
34. Pre-rog.
35. UP Chapel.
36. SC.
37. UP PNB.
38. COOP canteen.
39. STFAP.
40. Philippine games: My most favorite PE which brought back fond childhood memories.
41. The authoritative Dr. Olivia Caoili.
42. Dr. Grace Jamon’s soup for the soul teachings.
43. Econ 11 and how it confirmed that I’m not a risk-taker. Although I’m still willing to try bungee jumping.
44. My days as student assistant at OSA.
45. Conversations with friends over isaw, fishball, kwek kwek, and barbecue smoke.
46. The Vargas musem.
47. The Post Office.
48. CSSP.
49. The coños of AS lobby.
50. The egotistical engineering students.
51. PI fieldtrip at the foot of Mt. Banahaw.
52. Humanidades field trip to Lucban for the Pahiyas.
53. The incessant “Makibaka wag matakot” rallies and demonstrations which I now regretted for not having joined.
54. The ouster of Erap.
55. The betaway.
56. Vinzon’s Hall.
57. Film Center.
58. University Theater.
59. UP Press.
60. My violin lessons at the College of Music.
61. The growing population of Koreans.
62. Tuli: the spoof of Kule.
63. The Iska comic strip of Kule.
64. The magnificent Balay Tsanselor.
65. UP Lagoon.
66. The sinking Sunken Garden.
67. The UP Fairs which I have never attended.
68. The gademet ROTC and the unsuccessful plans of bombing DMST.
69. One in 100 moments of homesickness.
70. Lutong Bahay.
71. Casaa.
72. Chocolate Kiss.
73. The BBQs of Beach House.
74. Aristocart.
75. Playing tennis near SC.
76. Jogging at the acad oval.
77. Frat wars.
78. The candy-eye and romantic Rama at Sita.
79. Ikot and Toki jeepneys.
80. Having a Muslim friend.
81. Having a numismatist friend.
82. Cross-registering at UP Manila.
83. Lantern parade.
84. Up and others… the UP jokes.
85. Learning that it’s possible to love two persons at the same time.
86. Site visit at UPLB.
87. Milking a cow for my Pol. Sci. 150 class.
88. Baby thesis.
89. NCPAG.
90. Falling for a friend.
91. Knowing someone in the class likes you.
92. Student council elections.
93. My few months stay in Balara.
94. Krus na Ligas.
95. High-pile readings.
96. Being a college scholar.
97. Semestral breaks.
98. My college graduation… where my whole family never knew until the last minute that I would be graduating cum laude.
99. My university graduation which I only watched from afar together with my best friend.
100. Learning to let go... and happily move on.
The day I met Oble, I know my life will never be the same again. Happy 100th birthday.